Web version can be laggy, unstable. Try standalone version if you want a smoother experiences.

Drillionaire is a mining, upgrade game where you mine item from underground,  process it, sell it, and use the money to upgrade your gears.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(54 total ratings)
Made withAseprite, GameMaker
Tags2D, Crafting, Incremental, minigames, Pixel Art, upgrades
Average sessionA few minutes


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Great game. I wanted to get all the achievements for it but it seems that the recycling and alloy ones don't work and it's the same on Newgrounds version where I have recycled thousands of items and there's no progress

guys its 10/10 game

When downloaded, full screen shows less stuff in the ground

How do you get cream for the ice cream maker?

how do you use the plane ticket


Anyone playing this game for the first time: DO NOT BUY THE ORE TRAIL REINCARNATION UPGRADE

Unless there's been an update since this comment that has addressed the problem. As it stands now during late game I'm crashing on 80% of runs or more, almost always caused by an error attributed to ore trails. And since you can't un-purchase these upgrades (AFAIK), it essentially corrupts your save file.

Great game otherwise though. At first I thought it was a little ridiculous that burger customers who ordered a "bacon-chicken" burger wouldn't accept a "chicken-bacon" burger. But then I realized that's precisely why I can charge $800 for a piece of bacon on a plain bun and wait an entire day to even start making it. My customers are willing to pay a premium for utter perfection in the end product.

Then I made someone a burger with 6 pieces of both burnt and raw meat atop their requested ingredients all garnished with a skyscraper of condiments alternating ketchup-mustard-bbq-mustard, closely resembling the red-yellow-black-yellow banding pattern of the highly venomous eastern coral snake. A "burger" so vile as to be imperceptible by the reasoning parts of the brain, forcing out a limbic scream of "DO NOT EAT" that echoes viscerally through the sympathetic nervous system.

Yet not only did the customer accept this nasty patty, they paid in full and left without complaint. This made me rethink the nature of my business entirely. Had I become too big to fail? Was I so popular a brand that not consuming my burgers was unthinkable? Or was I even selling food at all anymore? Maybe my sandwiches were so sublime, so picture-perfect each and every time that they sold themselves on aesthetic quality alone. Maybe we're not a restaurant anymore, but something akin to a fine art gallery patronized by wealthy benefactors looking to discover the next Burgnini or Salvador Deli.

With this revelation, I understand now that I have the power to control trends in the upper echelon of the art world with the flip of a patty. Who knows what sort of surreal sandwiches are being prepared right now as a result of my execrable experiment? If only I could witness them and perhaps be given the opportunity to pulverize them where they stand with biting counter-burgers, or nurture them and foster a collaborative environment of forward-thinking burger-based artistry to propel humanity to new heights. The future is fried.

TL;DR: Suggestion -- let us see and influence the work of our fry cook contemporaries.


Wow. I might come back to update the game just from your comment.



there is a pretty big bug with the bunger stand where the ingredients seem to be in infinite supply

I'm having this too. If you click and drag an ingredient that you don't have, it lets you add it to the burger anyway.

Question: are rainbow roses valentine's day only or just super rare?

(16 edits)

A few suggestions (and yes, I am editing this as I go):

First of all, the hamburger shop is totally broken. You can get ingredients for free. A patch for that would be nice, as well as an option to quick-build a burger or something. It would also be nice to see a greater variety in what ingredients customers order instead of just chicken, bacon, and lettuce. Also, as option to discard the hamburger that is currently being built rather than finish it. Perhaps there could be like a 50% change to get back spent ingredients this way? Also, an option to delete completed burgers, again maybe with a chance to get back spent ingredients. Also, maybe the customers could care a bit less about the order of ingredients?

Next, a quick suggestion: change the achievement for getting 10 drillioncoin to unlocking the travel agency, this way the ticket isn't accidentally wasted if someone got exactly 10 drillioncoin on their first reset, as getting the travel agency requires 11. Actually, you might want to redo the achievements entirely. You could have 2 kinds of achievements: progression achievements, which are achieved through normal progression, such as the reincarnate once achievement and other achievements that are easily unlocked without doing anything out of the ordinary. These would provide one-time benefits. Then there could be ongoing achievements, which require going a bit out of one's way to complete. The garden and gem achievements are examples of this. They would provide a lasting bonus once achieved. It would be up to you to decide what qualifies as what.

In addition, there are a few mechanics that are poorly explained. This includes item use, the magic/ability system, and crafting jewelry.

Finally, maybe add a recipe tracker for unlocked ice cream recipes in ice city. Could be useful. I also seem to be unable to scroll through orders in ice city. That can get problematic. There's also the teensy matter of practically non-existent fruit. I also think it's a bit odd that it only takes one dose of normal syrup to make 3 doses of flavored syrup. It should take at least 2 doses of normal to make 3 flavored.

Anything else I might suggest has probably already been suggested, like no having the museum reset on prestige (in order to do this, by the way, you'd probably have to make it so the reputation from the reputation sets not reset on prestige).

Otherwise, a great game! I'm not trying to point out all the faults (well, maybe I am, but in a GOOD way), I'm just trying to help point out how to make the game better.

P.S. a gem-cutter in the desert area would also be nice, don't really see why it isn't included.

P.P.S. it seems that I can't submit iron earrings to the museum, no matter if they are crafted or found naturally. UPDATE: looks like I can, there are just two very similar items, only one of which can be submitted. Might want to make "Iron Earring" and "Iron Earrings" a bit more different.

P.P.S.S. I don't see why the casino should hide your money. I can see why you might have added that, but it does more harm than good. Just store the winnings separately until you leave the casino.

P.P.P.S.S. when you pipe bomb a beam mole it's beam still says... until your run ends. That's annoying.

P.P.P.S.S.S. the achievement for forging 500 alloys doesn't seem to work. Same for the recycling achievements.

P.P.P.P.S.S.S. there's this bug, often after buying a new drill piece, where are high speeds, the game just freezes, and you have to reload the tab and restart the run. Nothing too harmful but rater annoying. Fortunately, it seems to go away after that. In my experience, you have to "shock" the game into freezing. Again, this happened most regularly when I added another head to my cyber drill.

P.P.P.P.S.S.S.S. there's this bug in the garden where after completing the fungi display (+2 days per plant), the plants will show the extra days on their seed packet, but when planted will still show the original number of days. They still live the extra days, but, for example, some of my dill says "age: 4/3 days".

P.P.P.P.P.S.S.S.S. when reincarnating you can't see how much unspent drillioncoin you have.

P.P.P.P.P.S.S.S.S.S. the sulfur trail runner doesn't show the sulfur symbol on the green box once it gets moving.

I want to finish the museum but i don't know how to get the armor sets. Ive looked everywhere but i cant find where to get them.


This is the best incremental game I have ever played. I mean that, genuinely. It's a little bit of a slow start, little bit of a learning curve, but once you play a few minutes it just clicks and you're off to the races! Amazing game, buddy. Seriously.

Wish there were mroe upgrades, or some unlockable upgrades via depth, specific achievements, or even by using drillion. Kinda gets monotonous going back and fourth between selling and upgrading then getting drillion coin then grinding to upgrade, so on and so on. 
I also wish the forge, burger stand, market, recycle centre, and auction house had mroe upgrades, more specifically.

Forge can still take a helluva long time, and especially so with mixing. I also kinda wish you could upgrade the ammount you can put into each slot, either would work.

Burger stand doesn't seem that lucrative later in the game, more like an option if you feel like making a few bucks or if your going to start a drill from scratch. 

The market can be a bit monotonous, so I'd look for making an upgrade that increases the chance for prices in teh stock/farmers market to increase or stay the same, and going with that, I also wish there was another upgrade that would increase the chance for a contract to have a special or extra reward- with that, another upgrade that could add more items to a request (instead of one item with a certain ammount, two items with a lower time limit but with much greater reward). It'd make it a bit more interesting if you could also pick a certain company to sell to, each giving you a different requirement for a reward (perhaps blueprints for drill pieces...) or, like in another game, the more you favor one company the higher the prices or rewards for that one company. Maybe even a way to spend your reputation points too.

Recycle centre could do with more upgrades that deal with decreasing time, and aswell as the guide; It's confusing what the achivements and stats want for items, because in the help menu for the recycles, it jsut talks about putting 'trash items' in and getting an output.

Auction house should have its own upgrade menu, perhaps having more upgrades for price increases or tax decreases, premium decreases, so on so fourth. 

On a side note, I love this game, and I love your 8-bit style with this game and with simple/er space. I love both games and both are fun, but this one in particular can do with some love and a bit of polish.

Keep up your work! 

Congratulations, average viewer curiously reading my comment, you've reached the end! you can scroll away now, happily fufilled you read 1,000 or more words in a few minutes (probably). 

it says in a pop-up v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net

what does that mean

(1 edit)

I'm playing on the browser version, but my game keeps crashing after a few seconds of being opened.  Is that something that can be fixed?

it may be your internet, browser, the computer itself, or even just your software. I don't own the game, but usually when a game on a site crashes it tends to be one of the four mentioned previously. 

Wow, a lot of changes were made!

Hi! I love this game but I have run into a few problems. On the web version, the building alerts are completely blank and the clutch feature does not work. I would switch to the standalone version, where both these things are fixed, but the UI doesn't scale up properly on a 5k monitor - I either have to strain my eyes or change the scale of all windows in my computer's main settings. Besides this and other bugs pointed out in the comments, I am having a great time playing this game, and I look forward to more updates!

(1 edit)

keep getting this error:




action number 1

of Draw Event

for object o_bonus_ore_trail_runner:

local variable spr(100546) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_o_bonus_ore_trail_runner_Draw_0


gml_Object_o_bonus_ore_trail_runner_Draw_0 (line -1)

i've encountered it with aluminum (this error), sulfur and one other ore i'm sure i'll run into again so i'll edit it in here nickel!


Maybe the build didnt include the set varaible, that or the dev didnt set the variable at all.

(1 edit)

Sort of. (Not the dev) I decompiled the code (looking for recipes when I noticed the list here was incomplete, and) found that the dev set it correctly for collectable item, but that not for the active runner.

I copied the missing lines over (edit: w/ a modding tool), and this seems to have solved that problem...

switch ore {
     case 130:
         spr = s_ore_icon_iron
     case 500:
         var spr = s_ore_icon_coal
     case 711:
         spr = s_ore_icon_tin
     case 748:
         spr = s_ore_icon_titanium
     case 803:
         spr = s_ore_icon_tungsten
     case 980:
         spr = s_ore_icon_copper
     case 1007:
         spr = s_ore_icon_gold
 // meow - begin patch
     case 255:
         spr = s_ore_icon_lead
     case 277:
         spr = s_ore_icon_lithium
     case 376:
         spr = s_ore_icon_silicon
     case 490:
         spr = s_ore_icon_silver
     case 740:
         spr = s_ore_icon_nickel
     case 750:
         spr = s_ore_icon_zinc
     case 849:
         spr = s_ore_icon_sulfer
     case 1196:
         spr = s_ore_icon_aluminium
 // meow - end 
draw_sprite(spr, 0, x, y)

...but afterwards I noticed that saturating my drill with portable furnaces was causing crashes -- and the ..._pocket_furnace_... code didn't decompile nicely for me; So I was unable/unwilling to determine why (when I could just avoid using them instead).


I've reincarnated twice, and I have some suggestions:

I'm playing v1.10 as the ingame menu shows.

1. Burger is broken, even when you have no raw naterials, you can drag raw material to the cooking tray, and make burgers out of thin air. 

Ice city doesn't have this exploit.

This exploit allows you to get lots of cash very quickly, until late game. 

In late game, burgers are irrelevant because they require constant attention, and they don't generate that much income compared to late game auto smelting. Even with this exploit. 

I have unlocked ice city, but haven't used it, because its income generation is already irrevelant when I have access to it, and its level bonus is reset on reincarnation.

2. Reincarnation should do something to burger (and ice city) exp gain.

Currently reincarnation resets burger exp, and none of the reincarnation upgrades allows faster burger exp gain. 

As burger is a side minigame, it's entirely reasonable for reincarnation to not reset its exp and level. 

It's also possible to have reincarnation upgrades that allow you to get more burger exp, and maybe an upgrade for keeping burger level, or starting reincarnation with a few levels.

3. This game is tagged incremental. Reincarnation is a prestige mechanism, so it should help with incrementing. It should help towards digging deeper, and also benefit from digging deeper.

Currently, you can only earn at most 1 coin per dig, no matter how deep you go. With a specfic upgrade it becomes 2 coins per dig, but it still doesnt benefit much from going deep.

I think the drill coin gain should be revamped, like this:

Instead of having coins limited to a fixed amount per day, their spawn is limited by depth. 

Initially they start spawning at 5km, and when you mine one, they move to 6 km. For every coin you mine, their spawn depth is 1km deeper. They are still in blocks like they currently are, just change their limit. 

For example, the coin spawn is initially at 5km. In a day, you drill to 50km depth, and collected 20 coins on the way. After that, the coin spawn is at 25km, and you need to drill to at least 25km to collect more.

With this change in place, you actually need to go deeper to collect more coins, and when you can't go deeper, you need to reincarnate.

Considering there are multiple drilling locations, coins collected should be counted separately for each location, and the depth requirement is increased separately. Some locations are harder to dig, so they could have a lower 'depth increment per poin'.

This makes unlocking different locations truly powerful, and instead of unlocking all the locations at once, some more valuable locations should be locked behind upgrades.

The extra coin from earned money might also need some change. It favors short run too much.

4. Reincarnation should give some more useful boosts, not just fuel capacity.

High grade fuel tanks can recharge themselves over time, so fuel capacity won't help much. On the other hand, inventory space is scarce late game, because ores are really dense in deep areas. Even 3 fully upgraded virtual hull can't handle them.

5. Reincarnation should unlock new sets for late game, not just early-mid game.

Currently, reincarnation unlocks 4 sets, 2 for early game, and 2 for mid game. For late game, virtual set is better than gem set, in all aspects (except price).

It would be super cool to have a super late game set unlocked from reincarnation, maybe technomancer set?

It seems there are 3 sets unlockable from museum. Unfortunately, museum is reset on reincarnation, so they are useless. There should be an upgrade to keep museum intact on reincarnation.

It's strange there are no unlockable misc parts, there should be some, unlocked either by research or reincarnation.

6. Previews, mainly for 2 things:

6-1. Reincarnation tree, I really need to have a look at the reincarnation tree to know the cost of the next big upgrade, but without reincarnating. Currently this needs to be done with save exports and imports.

6-2. Drill parts stats, I need to know when I could upgrade and replace my drill parts.

okay. have no idea what im doing wrong i saved my data from browser and then I'm trying to transfer it to the downloadable version and it just consistently just crashes it. solutions?

(1 edit)

HOW TO OBTAIN FRUIT????????? (not just the pineapple)

(1 edit)

I have lost all my save progress and I can't get it back, this happened after I added the new updated version to my laptop


how do you even get the Cheated thing on a save?

go to the pause menu and there is a little button in the top left

The main reason I won't reincarnate is i says you don't get starting gold. It seems like a lot of work to get back to where I am without it so I'm just farming til I have 200 coins then I'll reincarnate. 


There is a bonus that lets you earn money much faster after reincarnating, especially after reincarnating a few times. I'd recommend reincarnating as soon as you can, crafting and selling gun powder to raise funds, and then dumping what you earn into research until you can afford the explorer drill set. From there, you should be able to get back to where you were pretty quickly. As you need more money, it's pretty quick to build up and sell a lot of bronze once you can hire some forge workers.


how do you activate the cheat menu

(1 edit) (+3)

I would like to report a common type of crash. I experience this one expecially more in the sandy place.


I see this all the time, too, since purchasing the trail runner upgrade upon resurrection. I'm pretty sure it's being triggered by trail runners generated for sulfur:

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object o_bonus_ore_trail_runner:
local variable spr(100546) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_o_bonus_ore_trail_runner_Draw_0
gml_Object_o_bonus_ore_trail_runner_Draw_0 (line -1)

Thanks for reporting in! I’m fixing it rn.

I decompiled the code and found that it's correctly set for the collectable item, but not the active runner.

I did a sort then copied the missing lines over, and this seems to have solved that problem.

switch ore {
     case 130:
         spr = s_ore_icon_iron
     case 500:
         var spr = s_ore_icon_coal
     case 711:
         spr = s_ore_icon_tin
     case 748:
         spr = s_ore_icon_titanium
     case 803:
         spr = s_ore_icon_tungsten
     case 980:
         spr = s_ore_icon_copper
     case 1007:
         spr = s_ore_icon_gold
 // meow - begin patch
     case 255:
         spr = s_ore_icon_lead
     case 277:
         spr = s_ore_icon_lithium
     case 376:
         spr = s_ore_icon_silicon
     case 490:
         spr = s_ore_icon_silver
     case 740:
         spr = s_ore_icon_nickel
     case 750:
         spr = s_ore_icon_zinc
     case 849:
         spr = s_ore_icon_sulfer
     case 1196:
         spr = s_ore_icon_aluminium
 // meow - end 
draw_sprite(spr, 0, x, y)

Also, the ..._pocket_furnace_... code didn't decompile nicely for me, so I was unable/unwilling to determine if it was the patching/modding tool, or an existing problem that was causing crashes when I saturated my drill with portable furnaces.

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object o_drill:
DoSub :2: undefined value
at gml_Script_anon_DrillPart_pocket_furnace_gml_GlobalScript_drill_misc_data_2413_DrillPart_pocket_furnace_gml_GlobalScript_drill_misc_data
gml_Script_anon_DrillPart_pocket_furnace_gml_GlobalScript_drill_misc_data_2413_DrillPart_pocket_furnace_gml_GlobalScript_drill_misc_data (line -1)

I hope this helps.


Does anyone have a recipe list? I have played with it a lot, but I feel like I'm just doing the same things over and not remembering to change it up haha

(1 edit) (+5)

The recipes I discovered so far;

Copper + Tin = Bronze

Copper + Gold = Shakudo

Copper + Silver = Sterling Silver

Copper + Nickel = Monel Metal

Copper + Aluminium = Duralumin

Iron + Nickel = Nickel Steel

Iron + Tungsten = Tool Steel

Gold + Silver = Electrum

Lead + Tin = Soldering Iron

Copper + Iron + Gold = Antanium

Edit: I just added even more recipes. If anyone discovers more, please reply here.

(6 edits) (+5)

Some recipes you missed:










honestly someone should write like a guide for this game lol its shockingly complicated

8/12/22 EDIT: titanium doesn't even have any applicable recipes and yet its still an alloy mixing option. incredible
so yeah uh you're welcome in advance. 

Missed one. It must have snuck by you in the last update.

AlloyRecipe Ore Source
Bronze bar Tin CopperRocky Mountain
Shakudo bar Copper GoldRocky Mountain
Tool Steel bar Tungsten IronRocky Mountain
Antanium bar Copper Iron Gold Rocky Mountain
Soldering Iron Tin LeadRocky M & Frozen G
WNiFe bar Tungsten Iron NickelRocky M & Frozen G
WNiCu bar Copper TungstenNickelRocky M & Frozen G
Monel Metal bar Copper NickelFrozen G & any
Nickel Steel bar Iron NickelFrozen Ground
Mu Metal bar Iron Nickel NickelFrozen Ground
Nisil bar Silicon NickelFrozen Ground
German Silver bar Copper Zinc NickelFrozen G & Sand L
Silumin bar AluminiumSiliconFrozen G & Sand L
Duralumin bar Copper AluminiumSand Land
Delta Metal bar Copper Iron Zinc Sand Land
Sterling Silver barSilver CopperSand Land
Gunmetal bar Tin Copper Zinc Sand L & Rocky M
Electrum bar Silver GoldSand L & Rocky M
Goloid bar Silver Copper Gold Sand L & any 
Rocky MountainCoalSulfurCopperTin IronTungstenGold Titanum
Sand Land CoalSulfurCopperZincIronAluminiumSilverTitanum
Frozen Ground NickelLeadIronLithum Gold Silicon

Also, now you can make slag with Titanium and Lithium too!

When the new update came out I had to unlock several buildings again. The hamburger stand also crashes on browser when you put an item to the store front. Not always, but often. 

My save just vanished. And I can't import my previous save. :/ 

mine just vanished too

Is there any way to get the new ores other than contracts/that one achievement reward? The only thing I haven't tried is reincarnating.


-Alloy mixing recipes consume all of the base metals and only give one alloy out. If you try to place multiple metals in manually/replace one metal with another you lose the bar you put in first.

-Tulips when harvested only give lilies

-You can fire employees to get a negative number of employees

-Drillioncoins go missing occasionally (reset to zero), seems to be whenever there is an update or the page is fully refreshed.

Some ore spawn in different location. To unlock new location you need to reincarnate and unlock Travel agency.

Also thank you for reporting in bugs. I’ll post a fix in the next update.

Bug: ores placed into the forge and contracts that appear on the day you save & exit are not saved on the standalone version

Thank for reporting in, I’ll look into it.

sadly my game reset cuz of update and trying to upload save on html just crashes game

im tired of my save vanishing ;(

I’m sorry, but I’m not sure how that happened. Can you give me the crash log (inspect element > console), and if possible, the save file itself so I can have a look. Thank you.

(1 edit)

It's happening to me as well when I click "upload save" in the web version in latest Chrome. (have not tried download version)
I don't get the chance to select a save to upload, the game just freezes. Console error:

Unhandled Exception - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'click') in file https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net/html/5873165/drillionaire/tph_jsClipboard.js at line 14

yea i think it tries to read the save from ur clipboard, which is the problem since the save downloads as a file so the game would need a file selector or something

(1 edit)

im on mobile so i dont think thats possible but i can try using eruda. but my save finally stopped leaving me like my dad always did ;)

(1 edit)

my game slows down a lot in the new 0.9 update on browser when im in the greenhouse :( 

i also had 10 ore stokers and they quit????

(1 edit)


When you reincarnate at the temple are you supposed to have gold when you start or start fully over?

The gold should reset (typing this out, I realize that it’s not the best idea isn’t it. Maybe I should make the starting gold increase by the Drillioncoin you have collected.)

I just have to say the dev for this game is amazing. Every bit of feedback people have given is taken and implemented in great ways. Much love on this end. 

Thank you :)

how to fix my save being broken? I don't even think I can clear the data to just reset.

Sorry for the late reply, but since the latest update (0.9) you should be able to create new save or delete the old one now.


Why have I never seen one piece of rubber? Is there a special thing I need to do

Nvm, rubber is just super deep

(1 edit)

Made an epic overpowered drill. Now waiting for update. I'm not sure what this "reincarnate" means, so imma wait for explaination on the new updates

(3 edits)

i don't think you should be allowed to... uhh....

(1 edit)

here's how you do it

...and that's it. its really easy to do and it looks really funny


That’s…. a… um… feature.

really cool

oh you fixed it

It would be helpful for some missions to be able to select what the trash workers put in the recycling center. Similar to how the forge works. 

Wait is there a use for trash item other than recycle?

No, but some quest are for items that require rubber, so I would like to set it to just load my rubber items for a bit. I know I can just fire them all and do it myself, but it would save some time. 

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