1.17.5 beta


  • [Graph Panel] Dropping file now won’t reset the graph position.
  • [Preview Panel] Hovering on the gradient map anchor now show the mapped surface.


  • New Path Blur node.

  • New 3D Path node

  • New 3D Path Extrude node.

  • New Slice Stack node.

  • New Box Pattern node.

  • Add per node log.

  • [Shape] Add Gear shape.

  • [Export] Add surface output passthrough.

  • [Bake Path] Baking a single path will return a 2D array instead of 3D.

  • [Surface Extrude] Performance improvement.

  • [RM Primitive] Fix volumetric object not showing.

  • [Pytagorean, Herringbones, Random tiles] Add level property.

  • [3D Terrain] Add level property.

  • [Square, Tri, Pen, Hex Grid] Add option to use texture dimension.

  • [Blur, Bloom] Add aspect ratio and direction properties.

  • [SVG In] Add support for viewbox percentage unit.

  • [SVG In] Improve support for cubic bezier path.

  • [SVG In] Add a warning dialog when importing SVG 2.0 features.

  • [Scale Algorithm] Add cleanShape algorithm.

  • [3D Obj] Add an option to swap axes to fix some model orientation problems.

  • [Bloom] Add zoom blur option.


  • Fix an error when toggling gradient map.
  • Fix shader uniform submission error in several nodes.
  • Fix error when loading invalid font.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix inspector action connection lines not rendering.
  • [Animation Panel] Fix the error when CTRL+click on a keyframe.
  • [Surface Extrude] Fix the error when enabling double-side mode with no height map.
  • [Curve, HSV Curve] Fix result error.
  • [Splash] Fix Kenney Credits.
  • [Tri, Hex grid] Fix aspect ratio error in texture sample mode.
  • [Render Spritesheet] Fix the custom range limit set at 1.
  • [SVG In] Fix node not read SVG file with extra tags.
  • [Particle] Add array warning to inputs.
  • [WAV File in] Fix file reading error.
  • [VFX] Fix error on create.
  • [Array Sort Inline] Fix error on processing.
  • [Websocket Receiver] Fix error with port setup.
  • [3D Obj] Fix loaded solid missing alpha value.
  • [3D Obj] Fix error when loading object with repeated material.


[Beta] PixelComposer 1.17.5 itch.zip 107 MB
3 days ago

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