Interface New Theme “Default HQ” for UI Scale higher than 1. [Graph Panel] Double click on empty space will select current group context. [Graph Panel] Add...
- Updated collections to version 118091. Interface Hotkey now trigger on key down instead of key press (This should allow macro, input injection to work). Add u...
Interface [Globalvar] Improve editing interface. [Inspector Panel] Add context menu option for extracting value into global variable. [Preview, graph panels] Ad...
[Animation Panel] Add frame number when hovering on frame bars. [Preview Panel] Hold alt key to show tool hotkey. Bugs [Add node] Fix adding node with custom fu...
Interface Add Shift+mouse wheel to scroll through options in several interface buttons. Add the ability to add custom nodes by dropping node folders into the in...
This patch is mainly for group update bug, but to prevent spamming new patch everyday, I’ve work on other extra features too. So please enjoy this “patch”...
Interface [Graph] Auto organize feature. [Graph] Add auto align and auto organize button when selecting nodes. [Palette quick select] Add current color as the f...