1.17 Stable
Change since Release Candidate 5
- Add hotkeys slot for several dialogs and controls.
- [Menu Panel] Window control buttons (exit, minimize, fullscreen) now can be triggered without focus (interactable without closing another dialog first).
- [HSV Color] Change hue range back to 255.
- [3D Mesh] Loading model without any material data will auto-generate default material.
- [VFX Override] Now use the connection to determine overriding.
- [VFX Override] Output array of only active particles.
- [Flood fill] Add multiply blend mode.
- [Posterize] Add color space setting.
- Fix button stay interactable in color picker mode.
- Base particle object now has a drawing method.
- [Inspector Panel] Fix the color picker showing up when holding alt.
- [Preview Panel] Fix scrollbox font and sprite scaling error.
- [Textbox] Fix text not updating its x position.
- [3D] Preview surface size is now adjustable in preference.
- [3D] Fix crash when using texture array.
- [3D Mesh] Fix rotation manipulation error in Euler unit.
- [3D Mesh] Angle unit is now Euler by default.
- [3D Mesh] Fix crash when loading node?
- [3D obj] Fix error when refreshing object.
- [3D obj] Fix preview not showing.
- [3D obj] Fix some imported model missing x axis.
- [Export] Fix animation array export not working.
- [Flip fluid] Fix wall axis not working properly.
- [Outline] Fix render error in blend mode.
- [Slope blur] Fix slope sampling artifact.
- [Image Array] Fix node always updates if one of the paths is not a valid image.
Change since 1.16
- Add project working range.
- Improve project loading time.
- Improve rendering performance.
- Introduce compressed project file (.cpxc) extension for saving large projects. It should work like a normal save file except the content is non-human-readable.
- Pixel Composer now comes with CLI application
which allows for executing PXC project, modifying global variables, and executing functions from the console (PXC.exe
use the same arguments as thePixelComposer.exe
but with extra arguments). - Update sample locale and localization guides.
- Updated default collection and getting started projects.
- [Add node] Add a preference option to remember and restore previous page and scroll position (on by default).
- [Add node] Node subaction alias now shows up when searching.
- [Animation Panel] Add button for hiding node label.
- [Animation Panel] Add context menu for expanding, and collapsing all properties.
- [Animation Panel] Automatically hide the view control button when overlapped with animation tools.
- [Animation] Now display frames index beyond the frame limit.
- [Color Panel] Add alpha slider.
- [Color, Palette panel] Now react to the tool color in the canvas node.
- [Color, Palette, Gradient selector] Add a right-click option to set the palette as a project palette.
- [Color, palette, gradient selector] Add keyboard hotkeys.
- [CurveBox] Add curve presets on right-click menu.
- [Dev mode] Add a console with some basic functions.
- [Graph Panel] Allows nested frames to be selected.
- [Graph Panel] Entering group now uses Shift + Double click.
- [Graph Panel] Improve interface performance.
- [Graph, Animation, Inspector] When selecting custom color for a node or junction, the color selector dialog will now be set to the current color.
- [Graph, Inspector] Add the ability to connect from a junction in the graph to a value in the inspector.
- [Graph] Add a right-click menu to remove individual connections.
- [Group IO order] Improve interface.
- [Inspector Panel] Improve several widgets.
- [Inspector Panel] Make compact mode more compact.
- [Inspector] Add dropping target for global attributes.
- [Inspector] Convert some boolean properties to group toggle.
- [Inspector] Improve color, palette, and gradient visual.
- [Inspector] Now showing properties of all selected nodes (up to 10).
- [Inspector] When selecting multiple nodes of the same type, the inspector action now runs on all selected nodes.
- [Palette selector] Improve color rearranging.
- [Preference] Add a “restart recommended” banner when modifying the UI scale.
- [Preference] Add option to disable version warning notification.
- [Preview Panel] Add preview node lock.
- [Preview Panel] Add real fps display
- [Preview, Graph] Toggle fullscreen now center the preview.
- [Preview] Now use 1-indexing.
- [RangeBox] Now show the proper label.
- [Rotator, Rotator range, Rotator random] Hold CTRL while dragging the textbox will snap the value by 15 degrees.
- [SurfaceBox] Improve UI, add hover tooltip.
- [TextArea] Add a scrollbar for overflow text in popup mode.
- [TextBox, Slider, Rotator] Add right-click while sliding to cancel and revert value.
- Add edit widget for path anchor.
- Add hotkey in some tooltips.
- Add icon to several enum scroll data.
- Mappable parameters now use rangeBox instead of vectorBox.
Introducing FLIP free surface fluid simulation.
Angle is now a floating value.
Automatic group IO now uses the same IO node for the same junction.
Rework group IO order (again). Order now based on group order setting and remove input priority.
Some Area data now use fractional units by default.
Add file watcher to several input nodes.
Add MK Delay Machine node
Add RigidBody Wall node
New Array rearrange node.
New Bake Path node.
New Bend node.
New Blobify node.
New Bridge Path node.
New byte IO nodes for reading/writing buffer to a file.
New cmd argument node.
New Delay node.
New Diffuse node.
New Fold noise node.
New Gamma Map node
New Graph Preview node.
New GUI in/out nodes.
New Image Grid node.
New keyframe driver.
New Kuwahara filter node
New Map Path node.
New MIDI In node.
New MK Blinker node.
New MK Brownian node.
New MK Fall node.
New MK Lens Flare node.
New monitor capture node.
New Offset node.
New Override Channel node.
New Path from Mask node.
New Profile node.
New Project Data node.
New Quasicrystal node
New Reaction-diffusion node.
New Shape blur node.
New Shape map node.
New Slope Blur node.
New smear node.
New Smooth Path node.
New Spherize node.
New Spout output node.
New Stagger node.
New Strand noise node.
New VFX triangulate node.
New Vignette node.
[Supporter] New Pythagorean/herringbone/random tile generators.
[Supporter] New Bubble noise node.
[Supporter] New flow noise node.
Add “Black” oversample mode.
Add mappable value for some properties.
Add support for alpha value in colors, palette, and gradient.
Area mode is now an array member.
Convert all specialized groups into inline groups. (VFX, RigidSim, SmokeSim, StrandSim, Array loop, Array filter, Array sort)
[3D Camera/ Camera Set] Add additive blend mode option.
[3D Cylinder] Add option to disable end caps.
[4 Points Gradient] Add option to normalize weight.
[Anisotropic Noise] Add waterfall render mode.
[Array Range] When the start and end are the same value, will output an array of repeated value “step” times.
[Blend, Sample, Trim, Reverse, Wave Path] Improve UI overlay.
[Cache] When the cache node finds an uncached frame it will enable all nodes in the cache group automatically.
[Camera] Complete rework, will not be compatible with the previous version.
[Camera] Parallax and depth of field is now a separate value per element.
[Camera] Remove background data, all surfaces will be connected to the elements section.
[Camera] Replace fix position toggle with positioning mode supporting 2 modes: fix to space or fix to camera.
[Canvas] Add ability to add, subtract selecting area by holding Shift, Alt key.
[Canvas] Add entire surface fill mode for bucket fill and magic selection.
[Canvas] Add line slope consistency check.
[Canvas] Add mirror line.
[Canvas] Add pen pressure setting.
[Canvas] Add the ability to copy/paste selection inside and between canvas nodes.
[Canvas] Applying selection now won’t be affected by channel property.
[Canvas] Filled shape now also draw the border.
[Canvas] Hold ctrl + scrollwheel to change brush size.
[Canvas] Improve default brush shape.
[Canvas] Improve line pixel placement.
[Canvas] Magic selection now cancel selection whgen clicking outside the canvas.
[Canvas] Move brush color, size, and fill threshold to tools settings.
[Canvas] New brush tool converting current selection to a brush.
[Canvas] New curve tool.
[Canvas] New freeform shape and selection tools.
[Canvas] New mirror tools. Mirror the current brush stroke by the center of the canvas/selection.
[Canvas] New node tools allowing nodes to be loaded and rendered on the selecting area.
[Canvas] Outline tools can now be applied to the selection mask by holding the shift.
[Canvas] Tools will only apply to the area inside a selection (if exists).
[Cellular Noise] Add a tiled pattern (set as default), the previous “uniform” pattern will imply no tiling.
[Cellular Noise] Cell types now have consistent colors.
[Cellular Noise] Crystal type is now tilable.
[Cellular, Flow, Fold, Gabor, Simplex, Perlin, Extra Perlins Noise] Add rotation property.
[Checker Board] Add smooth, AA rendering properties.
[Composite] Add blend mode and alpha properties per surface.
[De-corner] Add iteration, different corner detection types, and mask properties.
[De-stray] Add iteration, strict, and mask properties.
[Diffuse] Internal rework.
[Directional Blur] Add single direction mode.
[Displace] Add gradient mode.
[Displace] Add separate axis option for vector and angle displace mode.
[Draw Gradient] Add a uniform aspect ratio option for the circular, radial gradient.
[Draw Gradient] Add pingpong mode to loop property.
[Draw Text] Add line width property.
[Draw text] Add wave effect.
[Fill Region] Add inner fill, color map mode.
[Glow] Add a property to not draw the original surface.
[Glow] Now use pixel distance instead of blurring.
[Gradient] Add oklab. sRGB blending mode.
[Grid, Hex/Tri grid] Add truchet option for texture grid mode.
[Grid, Tri/Hex Grid, Pythagorean/Herringbone/Random Tile] Add texture rotation properties.
[Grid] Separated truchet flip axis properties.
[Group output] Now show surface content.
[Hex grid] Texture grid now uses cartesian coordinates.
[HSV Combine] Add alpha input.
[Image] Now support path array.
[Level Selector] Add the option to keep the original color.
[Level] Add output range properties.
[Lua] Lua nodes now auto-compile.
[Mesh Transform] Anchor point is now relative to the center of mass.
[Mix Color] Add oklab color space.
[MK Rain] Add lifespan, size, alpha over lifespan, and alpha fading properties.
[Non-uniform Blur] Add gradient effect.
[Normal] Smoothness is now a slider.
[Particle, VFX Renderer] Add default particle when no sprite is provided.
[Particle, VFX] Add line rendering mode.
[Particle] Add background property.
[Particle] Add path follow properties.
[Particle] Add scale to index mode for sprite array.
[Perlin noise] Improve noise shader.
[Pixel Expand] Add scan mode (Does 2 passes, horizontal and vertical instead of scanning the surrounding area in a circle shape).
[Polar] Add tile property.
[Region Fill] Add texture map mode.
[Region fill] Draw original action is now an enum button with “above” and “behind” settings.
[Render Sprite Sheet] Node is now updated in normal playback.
[Repeat] Convert to array processor.
[Replace Color] Add an option to disable automatic palette refresh.
[Replace Colors] Now automatically refresh the palette on connect.
[RGB Combine] Swap sampling type to match the RGBA extract node.
[RGB/HSV Combine/Extract] Add option to use an array of surfaces as inputs/outputs.
[RigidBody group] Add gravity control.
[Scatter] Add an option to sort sprites by Y position.
[Scatter] Add animation support for array input.
[Scatter] Add direct control over uniform distribution.
[Scatter] Add exact property.
[Scatter] Add index, direct data, texture mode for array index selector.
[Scatter] Add maximum blend mode.
[Scatter] Add position shift property.
[Scatter] Add position wiggle property.
[Scatter] Add scale over radius, and angle range properties for uniform circular mode.
[Scatter] Improve performance for static distribution map.
[Shape] Add 2 new position modes; Separate Center + Scale and Full image.
[Shape] Add angle property to a crescent shape.
[Shape] Add crescent shape and tiling.
[Shape] Add donut shape.
[Shape] Add level property.
[Shape] Add shape rotation property (There isn’t one before?).
[Simple Blur] Renamed to Non-Uniform Blur.
[Stack] Add padding properties.
[StrandSim, SmokeSim] Now use inline collection.
[Stripe] Add AA option.
[Stripe] Add palette render mode.
[Stripe] Add progress property.
[Text File In] Now accept every file type.
[Text] Add trim text properties.
[Transform] Add alpha property.
[Transform] Add echo property.
[Warp] Add custom output dimension.
[Warp] Add warping guide.
[Wave Path] Add wiggle and amplitude over length properties.
[Zigzag] Add smooth, AA rendering properties.
- [3D Camera] Fix depth map render incorrectly.
- [3D Mesh] Fix transform tool not update when dragging.
- [Add node dialog] Fix collection does not show up in search if the Collection panel is not initialized (Another victim of thoughtless optimation).
- [Addon] Fix crash with addon drawing sprite.
- [Animation Panel] Fix graph rendering glitch.
- [Animation Panel] Fix lines and frame numbers clipped incorrectly when panning.
- [Area wrap] Fix crash on create.
- [Armature Bind] Fix error when using bind data.
- [Armature Pose] Fix the preview editor not to scale and rotate the bone properly.
- [Ase File In] Fix aseprite file not showing up in the open file dialog.
- [ASE File In] Fix static file render every frame.
- [Bevel] Improve accuracy on larger surfaces.
- [Blend] Fix stretch and tiled mode not working.
- [Canvas] Fix background drawing mode with selection creates results with the wrong color.
- [Canvas] Fix content disappear when resizing the surface.
- [Canvas] Fix ellipse drawing.
- [Canvas] Fix ellipse selection sometimes gives low-res circle shape.
- [Canvas] Fix error when selecting unsupported node in node tool.
- [Canvas] Fix flood fill diagonal mode not filling correctly.
- [Canvas] Fix line overflow when using a custom brush.
- [Cellular noise] Fix contrast option does not apply to crystal type.
- [Cemera] Fix node display content over the previewing surface.
- [Color Adjust] Fix reducing alpha brighten the color.
- [Color selectors] Fix selector not scale with UI scale property.
- [Color, Palette, Gradient Selector] Fix enter and escape keys register when another widget is selected.
- [Colorize] Fix gradient alpha not applying.
- [Contrast Blur] Improve algorithm.
- [Dither] Fix contrast value reset to zero with a surface refresh.
- [Draw Text] Fix font resetting when using UI font (Noto Sans).
- [Draw Text] Fix rendering error.
- [Export] Fix exported gif leaves a ghost when viewing on some applications.
- [Feedback] Fix connection line draw incorrectly.
- [FLIP Apply Force] Fix crashes when adding the node in the middle of the timeline.
- [FLIP Collider] Fix crashes when moving the collider very fast.
- [FLIP Domain] Add a check to prevent particle size from getting lower than one.
- [Globalvar] Fix range type error.
- [Graph Export] Fix error on create (again?)
- [Graph Panel] Fix “copy to canvas” not working with image array.
- [Graph Panel] Fix crash when grouping nodes.
- [Graph Panel] Fix duplicating nodes inside an inline group creates a new node outside the group.
- [Graph Panel] Fix invisible inline group selectable.
- [Graph Panel] Fix key press not registered after selecting a new node while focusing on a textbox.
- [Graph Panel] Fix node duplication can’t be undone.
- [Graph] Fix error when duplicating inline groups.
- [Graph] Fix the error when clicking on the feedback line.
- [Group] Fix separator render with toggle.
- [HLSL] Fix widget overlapping when expanding the value group.
- [HLSL] Flip the v texture axis.
- [Image Grid] Fix error when using multiple inputs.
- [Inspector Panel] Fix collapse/expand all not working when selecting multiple nodes.
- [Inspector Panel] Fix edit widget disappeared when resetting mappable value.
- [Inspector] Fix button interactable with mouse release without pressing first.
- [Inspector] Toggling expression now updates the node.
- [Line] Fix error when enabling round cap.
- [Line] Fix the “Span width over path” option does not work with pre crop path.
- [Line] Fix the line not drawing with a polygon shape.
- [Local Analyze] Fix effect applies to surfaces in other nodes.
- [Lua] Fix error on deletion.
- [Menu] Fix nested menu not focus automatically.
- [Menu] Fix title overlapping with version number.
- [Mesh warp] Fix error on creation.
- [Mesh warp] Fix mesh generation error on load.
- [Mesh warp] Fix pin data not loading.
- [Mk Rain] Fix rain drop rendering issue.
- [Normal light] Fix rendering error.
- [Notification] Fix crashes when clicking on an interactable notification.
- [Outline] Fix glitch when enabling anti-aliasing with inner mode.
- [Palette to Gradient] Fix incorrect key distribution in the output gradient.
- [Panel] Fix panel gets rendered twice when entering fullscreen mode.
- [Particle] Fix cache persists when changing dimension from an external source (e.g. global dimension).
- [Particle] Fix error when rendering dynamicSurface.
- [Path] Fix error when undo anchor insertion.
- [Path] Fix error when using the move tool.
- [PCX] Fix globalvar evaluation error.
- [Perlin] Fix the result change randomly.
- [Pixel Expand] Fix scan mode glitch with half transparent pixels.
- [Pixel Expand] Fix the artifact when the surface is larger than 64px.
- [Point Affect] Fix freezes when reconnecting initial and final values.
- [Preference] Fix typing UI scale directly not applying.
- [Preview panel] Fix error when previewing atlas data.
- [Preview Panel] Fix mouse becomes inactive lower than the top bar.
- [Preview Panel] Fix panel not responding when open multiple panels at the same time.
- [Preview Panel] Fix preview gizmo jump around when using fractional units.
- [Preview Panel] Fix the toolbar menu disappearing when not inspecting any nodes.
- [Preview Panel] Improve preview gizmo rendering.
- [Preview Panel] Surface array with size 1 won’t display the array selector.
- [Preview] Fix the color picker preview not showing the correct alpha value.
- [Pytagorean Tile] Fix render error when enabling truchet.
- [Pytagorean, Herringbone, Random Tile] Fix gradient evaluation glitch.
- [Render Spritesheet] Add a warning when connecting surfaces of different sizes.
- [Render Spritesheet] Fix dimension warning shows up even when using surfaces of the same sizes.
- [Render Spriteshett] Fix array packing misses the last surface.
- [Rigidbody Spawner] Fix error on click.
- [Rotator range, random] Fix multiple controllers can be hovered at once.
- [Scatter] Fix a stupid bug that causes a massive performance drop when using scatter map.
- [Scatter] Fix uniform scattering in full image mode not working.
- [Splash] Add check for invalid thumbnail for Steam collection, project loading.
- [Splash] Fix nonuniform project thumbnail overflowing.
- [Splash] Fix project thumbnail scale incorrectly.
- [Sprite Stack] Fix preview hovering active outside the panel area.
- [Stack] Fix spacing not included in the dimension calculation.
- [SteamUGC] Project metadata is now saved as a separate file which should improve load time.
- [Stripe] Fix color not applying in blend mode.
- [Surface Extrude] Fix object not reset when removing height map.
- [Text Area] Fix the bug that makes the enter key not responsive after setting the cursor position.
- [TextArea] Fix autocomplete dialog not appear on top.
- [TextArea] Fix code editor not set to monospace font.
- [TextArea] Fix comment stop highlighting with text wrap.
- [TextArea] Fix crashes when displaying value with implicit conversion.
- [TextBox] Fix sliding not work with pen input.
- [Transform] Fix echo effect render incorrectly.
- [Transform] Fix tile mode not aligned with preview gizmo.
- [Transform] Fix tile mode with a small surface causes performance drop.
- [VFX] Fix error on creation.
- [Warp] Fix preview gizmo prioritize sides instead of corners.
- [Wav file in] Add a warning when the loading file has a different size than the defined package header.
- [Wav file in] Fix playback not resetting when the timeline is looped back to the beginning.
- Add check for invalid panel layout.
- Add click delay when closing dialog to reduce misclick.
- Dimension value will be clamped between 0 - 8192 automatically.
- Fix area type error on non default modes.
- Fix color with an alpha value less than 128 not stored properly (Note that this may reset the alpha value of a project created in 1.16.3).
- Fix crash when trying to create a notification on program start.
- Fix error when duplicating group.
- Fix error when duplicating node.
- Fix error when exporting surface atlas.
- Fix error when interpolating between gradients with only 1 key.
- Fix error when triggering animation on the trigger data type.
- Fix error when undoing intermediate keyframe creation.
- Fix errors when modifying 3D material.
- Fix errors when using expressions.
- Fix inline group background rendering error.
- Fix mask invert not working.
- Fix performance drop massively when adding more nodes.
- Fix several trigger-related bugs.
- Fix some inspector action triggers not showing up in the graph.
- Fix the color dropper not appearing with the alt key.
- Fix the color picker to give color with 0 alpha value.
- Fix the error with undoing node deletion.
- Fix the hotkey not working when using the tab key on the node with custom inspector widgets.
- Fix the mouse button stuck when using a pen tablet.
- Fix the multiline vectorbox background not showing up, and use the wrong label.
- Fix unmodified color value to become transparent when loaded.
- Prevent misclick when a menu item is created under the mouse position.
Get Pixel Composer
Pixel Composer
Node based VFX compositor for pixel art.
Status | In development |
Category | Tool |
Author | MakhamDev |
Tags | 2D, Pixel Art, Procedural Generation |
Languages | English |
More posts
- 1.18.11 beta1 day ago
- 1.18.10 beta16 days ago
- 1.18.9 beta32 days ago
- 1.18.8 beta49 days ago
- patch65 days ago
- 1.18.7 beta68 days ago
- patch88 days ago
- patch92 days ago
- 1.18.6 beta93 days ago
- 1.18.5 betaDec 09, 2024
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And this in beta version (steam) - Occurs in any ‘transform’ window:
========== Crash log [PXC 1.17.10] [Windows] ==========
ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object o_main:
ds_list_size argument 1 incorrect type (array) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
========== Stack trace ==========
gml_Script_drawOverlay@anon@10093@Node_Transform@node_transform (line 599) gml_Script_drawNodeTools@Panel_Preview@panel_preview (line 1645) gml_Script_drawContent@Panel_Preview@panel_preview (line 2155) gml_Script_draw@anon@25281@PanelContent@panel_data (line 961) gml_Script_drawPanel@Panel@panel_data (line 692) gml_Script_draw@anon@10484@Panel@panel_data (line 422) gml_Script_draw@anon@10484@Panel@panel_data (line 441) gml_Script_draw@anon@10484@Panel@panel_data (line 441) gml_Script_draw@anon@10484@Panel@panel_data (line 441) gml_Script_draw@anon@10484@Panel@panel_data (line 441) gml_Object_o_main_Draw_64 (line 43)
========= Crash log end =========
Hello, how are you? I love this program! However, the beta version has been experiencing some bugs on Steam. Currently, only version 1.16 is available there. When will the latest versions be released? Thank you.
Ops. V 1.16. See errors:
############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Other Event: Game Start for object o_main:
Unable to get variable key from object 000001BFDD541500 ############################################################################################ gml_Script_PREF_LOAD (line 194) gml_Object_o_main_Other_2 (line 57)