[Nodes] Working with sprite sheet

This post shows you how to work with sprite sheet in Pixel Composer.

Splicing sprite sheet

This node takes in a sprite sheet, cuts it into smaller sprites, and outputs an array or animation.

Inputs Type Description
Surface in Surface Sprite sheet to splice.
Sprite size Int[2] Dimensions of each sprite.
Sprite amount Int Total amount of sprites in that sheet.
Sprite per row Int Amount of sprites per row.
Offset Int[2] Offset of the first sprite.
Spacing Int[2] Space between each sprite.
Padding Int[4] Empty pixels added after the splice on each side.
Output Int Type of output.
- Animation
- Array
Animation speed Float Animation speed.
Outputs Type Description
Surface out Surface Sprite output.

Export sprite sheet

This node packs surface or surface array into one sprite sheet.

Inputs Type Description
Sprites Surface, Surface[] Sprite input.
Sprite set Int What sprite to put in the sprite sheet.
- Animation: Each sprite is one animation frame.
- Sprite array: Put all sprites in a sprite array in one sheet.
Frame skip Int Skip frames when sprite set is animated.
Packing type Int Packing geometry.
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Grid
Grid column Int How many sprites in a row (for grid packing).
Alignment Int How to align sprites with different sizes.
- First: Align to top for horizontal, left for vertical
- Middle: Align to center
- Last: Align to bottom for horizontal, right for vertical
Outputs Type Description
Surface out Surface Sprite sheet.

Sprite sheet node does not update automatically. That means to run this node, you have to click the  icon in the inspector panel. Also if the sprite set is set to animation, then you have to play the animation to start filling the sprite sheet.

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