1.18 Stable

Updates since rc3


  • [Collection Panel] Add nodes group.
  • [Collection Panel] Add search function
  • [Splash] The Contest section is now the general news section.
  • [TextInput] Pasting text from the clipboard automatically replaces tabs with spaces.
  • Add button to open splash screen when opening getting started files.
  • Opening a read-only file now replaces the current read-only before creating a new graph.


  • [Anisotropic Noise] Add separate random color seeds.
  • [Line] New two points mode.
  • [MK sparkle] Add array output and loop types.
  • [Sampler] Add oversample settings.


  • [Animation] Fix error on creation.
  • [ASE File read] Fix freeze when selecting a tag with a linked frame outside the tag range.
  • [Boolean] Fix error with array data.
  • [Canvas Group] Fix crashes when creating a new node inside the group manually.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix crash when setting junction color.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix inline iteration not drawn as a dash line.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix opening custom junction color reset connection opacity to zero.
  • [HLSL] Fix alpha multiplication.
  • [HLSL] Fix inverted v axis.
  • [HLSL] Manual compile now force render the node.
  • [Line] Now default to none type if no valid path or segment is provided.
  • [MK Subpixel] Fix error when no values surface provided.
  • [Pin] Fix setting color only changes the connection color on one side.
  • [RM Combine] Fix blending error with more than 2 objects.
  • [Splash dialog] Fix expanding panel makes panel height overflow.
  • [Tunnel] Fix deleted node still getting checked for key duplication.
  • Fix force image depth conversion for index-based png.
  • Fix screen flashes when an invalid value is connected to gradient data.
  • Fix stretching when using non-square surfaces on multiple nodes.
  • Fix the junction not showing in the graph when connecting through the inspector panel.
  • Remove the error popup when enabling expression for the first time.

Updats since

  • Add a preference option to save and load the project layout.
  • Add an option to include a Steam avatar in the workshop thumbnail.
  • Add backup save (1 by default, adjustable in preference).
  • Add template folder in welcome files.


  • Add a horizontal view for a larger scroll box.

  • Add a preference option to disable mouse lock when sliding.

  • Add more getting-started projects.

  • Add preference option for adding pen leave delay.

  • Add preference settings to add more folders for fonts and assets.

  • Add the ability to activate multiple actions with the one hotkey.

  • Add the ability to modify hotkey from the context menu.

  • Improve performance.

  • New Command palette

  • New experimental pop-up dialog. [Enable in preference]

  • New Node Action creator. Create a set of nodes and connections with a single click.

  • Pen input can now scroll most panels by dragging on an empty space.

  • Preference file now placed in %APPDATA%/../Preferences/[PREF_VER] to prevent version conflict in the future.

  • Reduce default theme load time.

  • Reorganized theme folder. (If you want to copy the default theme, I recommend deleting the default theme first and then run the software again since the old data will be mixed with the new one.)

  • Scrollpane now always uses reduced width to prevent content from jumping around.

  • Shorten tag names in “graphic.json” theme file.

  • Update getting started projects.

  • Update node thumbnails.

  • [Add node] Add highlight in the search box.

  • [Add node] Adding node from a junction now connect to a correct junction (including dummy junction).

  • [Animation Panel] Add a tooltip when hovering on a keyframe.

  • [Animation Panel] Add Ctrl+Click to edit keyframe value directly.

  • [Animation Panel] Add timeline preview for Canvas, Animation, GIF, and array to anim nodes.

  • [Animation Panel] Graph view for separated axes can now be toggled separately.

  • [Animation Panel] Improve graph view.

  • [Animation Panel] Timeline can be panned to negative frames.

  • [Collection] Move “view setting” to “Settings”.

  • [CurveBox] Add right-click context menu for the anchor.

  • [CurveBox] Hold shift when dragging the control point to break mirroring.

  • [CurveBox] Increase curve line resolution.

  • [CurveBox] Control points now scale to the available space between anchors.

  • [CurveBox] Improve view control.

  • [CurveBox] Moving anchor point now clamps between the surrounding anchors.

  • [Gradient Editor] Add palette context menu for palette-gradient conversion.

  • [Gradient Editor] Add the ability to drag gradient key out to remove it.

  • [Graph Panel] Add a context button for hiding all unconnected junctions.

  • [Graph Panel] Add a double shift to select all junctions of the same io type in the same node as the dragging junction.

  • [Graph Panel] Add a tooltip when dropping file(s).

  • [Graph Panel] Add auto align hotkey (L by default), align and distribute selecting nodes based on closet axis variance.

  • [Graph Panel] Add context button to convert connection to tunnels.

  • [Graph Panel] Add file drop directly to input node to replace its content (image, image array, * file ins).

  • [Graph Panel] Add group opening button.

  • [Graph Panel] Add node alignment options to the toolbar.

  • [Graph Panel] Add search function.

  • [Graph Panel] Add support from n outputs to n inputs connection.

  • [Graph Panel] Adding a node in between connections close to a junction will snap the created node y-axis to that junction.

  • [Graph Panel] Adding a node with a hotkey while not moving the mouse will create the node below the current one.

  • [Graph Panel] Clicking on a pin now won’t open up the loop dialog.

  • [Graph Panel] Ctrl to pan will only work when dragging on empty space.

  • [Graph Panel] Display parameter now saved per projects.

  • [Graph Panel] Dropping .hex, .gpl, .pal files will now create palette node.

  • [Graph Panel] Dropping file now won’t reset the graph position.

  • [Graph Panel] Frame now drawn with reduced opacity in minimap.

  • [Graph Panel] Hiding preview now minimizes the node.

  • [Graph Panel] Hold shift while dragging the junction to select multiple junctions at once.

  • [Graph Panel] Improve file-dropping interface.

  • [Graph Panel] Junction array type now always based on raw value.

  • [Graph Panel] Junction now snaps to target without holding ctrl.

  • [Graph Panel] Pressing shift while dropping a single image now allows you to import an image as other nodes (canvas, image array).

  • [Graph Panel] Using ctrl to move connection will now swap connection in the same node.

  • [Image Array Editor] Improve UI, add file drop support.

  • [Inspector Panel] “Any” property now displays the value.

  • [Inspector Panel] Add button to convert path data into relative path (will copy the file to project directory.).

  • [Inspector Panel] Add colored labels when separating values.

  • [Inspector Panel] Area unit can now be interactable even when connected.

  • [Inspector Panel] Clicking on a frame will now only show frame now in the inspector.

  • [Inspector Panel] Output display now use custom order (if existed).

  • [Inspector Panel] Update globalvar UI.

  • [Inspector Panel] Value in pixel unit now rounded when sliding.

  • [OutputBox, StructBox] Now auto-collapse on multi-line output.

  • [Palette Mixer] Add support for palette dropping.

  • [Palette Panel] Add option to add a palette through Lospec.

  • [Palette Panel] Add stretched view option.

  • [Palette Selector] Add multi color selection.

  • [Preference] Add option to adjust file watcher delay.

  • [Preset] Improve UI.

  • [Preview Panel] Add hotkey for 3D view control.

  • [Preview Panel] Add hotkey for right-side tools.

  • [Preview Panel] Add visibility settings.

  • [Preview Panel] Hovering on the gradient map anchor now show the mapped surface.

  • [Preview Panel] Improve toolbar button consistency.

  • [Preview Panel] Move 3d passes selector into preview settings.

  • [Preview Panel] The previewing node is now saved between sessions.

  • [Preview Panel] Tools hotkey can now include modifiers.

  • [Preview/Graph Panel] Add on the screen view controller.

  • [ScrollPane] Make scrolling easier for pen input.

  • [Slider] Decimal point now aligned when sliding.

  • [Slider] New speed adjustable slider.

  • [Splash Dialog] Add tag filter in the workshop section.

  • [Splash Dialog] The Welcomes files folder is now collapsible and persistent between sessions.

  • [Splash Dialog] Welcomes files now search every folder in %APPDATA%/Welcome files directory and grouped by folder.

  • [Splash] Hovering on welcome projects now won’t try to load metadata.

  • [Textbox] Filename with reserved character, name will now be rejected.

  • [Textbox] Number before and after decimal point now use different color.

  • [VectorRange] Axis link and range mode are now separated settings. Add a link line to show which values are being linked together.


  • Add input bypass.

  • Add ping-pong playback mode.

  • Add tooltip image to more nodes.

  • Add unit selector in expression mode.

  • Array processors now use batched output by default (doesn’t mean anything functionally).

  • Deprecate context feedback node.

  • Increase gradient key limits to 128.

  • Increase the palette limit to 1024.

  • New 3D Path Extrude node.

  • New 3D Path node

  • New Array Pin

  • New Blend edge node.

  • New Box Pattern node.

  • New Canvas group node.

  • New Grain nose.

  • New HSV Curve.

  • New HTTP request node.

  • New interlace node.

  • New JPEG Compress node.

  • New Mesh Export node.

  • New MK Sparkle node.

  • New MK subpixel node.

  • New Path Blur node.

  • New Pixel Sampler node.

  • New Point in Area node.

  • New Ray marching Primitive node.

  • New Repeat texture node.

  • New Revert node.

  • New RM Cloud node.

  • New RM Combine node.

  • New RM Render node.

  • New RM Terrain node.

  • New Scatter Path node.

  • New segment filter node.

  • New set of function map nodes (Fn).

  • New Slice Stack node.

  • New SVG node, kinda.

  • New Vector Magnitude node

  • New Vector Swizzle node.

  • [Supporter] New Ambient occlusion node.

  • [Supporter] New Brush effect node.

  • [Supporter] New Cristal noise node.

  • [Supporter] New Honeycomb noise node.

  • [Supporter] New MK Fracture node.

  • Renamed Path array to Path combine to better describe the node behavior.

  • [3D Camera, 3D Camera Set] Adjusted default values.

  • [3D Obj] Add an option to swap axes to fix some model orientation problems.

  • [3D Terrain] Add level property.

  • [3D Terrain] Add smooth shading and improve performance.

  • [3D Transform] Add camera object in 3D preview.

  • [3D Transform] Add depth output.

  • [3D] Add option to apply anchor point to position.

  • [Area] Add two points area type.

  • [ASE File In] Add a small delay before refreshing the file to prevent overlapped read (“ASE file read error.”).

  • [ASE File In] Now detect group layer separately from the image layer.

  • [ASE Layer] Node now refreshes content more often.

  • [Bake Path] Baking a single path will return a 2D array instead of 3D.

  • [Bloom] Add bloom mask output.

  • [Bloom] Add zoom blur option.

  • [Blur, Bloom] Add aspect ratio and direction properties.

  • [Blur, Contrast blur, Directional blur, Radial blur, Shape blur, Non-uniform blur, Slope blur, Zoom blur] Add gamma correction option.

  • [Brush effect] Add mask properties.

  • [Canvas Group] Add timeline group when created.

  • [Canvas Group] Is now a context group.

  • [Canvas] Add 1:1 diagonal cube mode.

  • [Canvas] Add animation type.

  • [Canvas] Add corner tool.

  • [Canvas] Add cube tool.

  • [Canvas] Add drawing guide to shape tools.

  • [Canvas] Add image file dropping to the surface.

  • [Canvas] Add select all.

  • [Canvas] Add skew tool.

  • [Canvas] Clicking on the frame in animation mode will also set the timeline top match the current frame.

  • [Canvas] Frame deletion now requires a shift key to prevent misclicking.

  • [Canvas] Now show the background array based on the frame index.

  • [Canvas] Snap line now snaps to rational slope.

  • [Colorize] Add Keep alpha property.

  • [Compare] Now works with the nested array.

  • [Composite] Add ability to rename junction from layer renderer.

  • [Crop] Add aspect ratio properties.

  • [Curve data] Add shift and scale properties.

  • [De-corner] Add option to ignore inner, side pixel.

  • [Display text] Improve rendering performance.

  • [Draw Shape] Add uniform scaler and curve.

  • [Draw Shape] Height mode is now masked with the shape.

  • [Export] Add expression evaluation in the path template.

  • [Export] Add surface output passthrough.

  • [Frame] Add double click to rename.

  • [Frame] Improve display.

  • [FXAA] Add mask output.

  • [Grid] Add accurate mode.

  • [Grid] Add option to use uniform height.

  • [Grids] Add level property.

  • [Group Input] Add visibility properties.

  • [Group] Add highlight when hovering.

  • [Group] Channel selection now affects preview (including 3D preview).

  • [Group] Previewing on the preview panel and graph now uses connected nodes context instead of its own.

  • [HLSL] Add wrapper display to show the full vertex and fragment shader code.

  • [Image Importer] Non 8-bit images will be converted into 8-bit before importing.

  • [Invert] Add option to invert alpha.

  • [IsoSurf] Add per surface offset property.

  • [Kuwahara] Add mask properties.

  • [L-system] Add a warning when providing an invalid glyph and when trying to pop an empty stack.

  • [L-system] Is now an array processor.

  • [Line] Add data type properties.

  • [Line] Add option to scale texture axis based on path length.

  • [Line] Add option to use path bbox as dimension.

  • [Line] Add support for segment data.

  • [Line] Add width pass output.

  • [Line] Flip the texture axis so that the X axis goes along the path length.

  • [Map Path] Now use the default surface when no texture is provided.

  • [Math, Statistic] Setting type now renames the node accordingly.

  • [Math] Add snap operation.

  • [MK Delay Machine] Add loop mode.

  • [Node action] Creation now stores direct value.

  • [Node action] Set value is now only available to primitive data types (number, boolean, string).

  • [Noise] Fix repeating pattern with larger seed.

  • [Normal Light] Light position is now vec2, separate light height as a separate property.

  • [Particle] Directed from the center option now modified by Spawn direction.

  • [Particle] Fix random value repeat too often.

  • [Path Blur] Add origin property.

  • [Path Extrude] Add loop, invert face properties.

  • [Path] Previewing node now sets proper preview area.

  • [Path] When using a rectangle or ellipse tool, hold Alt to create the shape from the center.

  • [Paths] Segment without control points (should actually) now interpolate linearly.

  • [Pytagorean, Herringbones, Random tiles] Add level property.

  • [Raymarching] Add texture interpolation settings.

  • [Raymarching] Add orthographic projection.

  • [Region Fill] Add all color modes.

  • [Region Fill] Add texture index type.

  • [Render Sprite Sheer] Now output flattened atlas array.

  • [Repeat] Add additive and maximum blend mode.

  • [Repeat] Add base rotation.

  • [Repeat] Add texture interpolation settings.

  • [RM Primitive] Add round box and prism shapes.

  • [RM PRimitive] Add texture property.

  • [RM Primitive] Fix volumetric object not showing.

  • [Sampler] Disabling alpha will output color with alpha 1 instead of 0.

  • [Scale Algorithm] Add cleanShape algorithm.

  • [Scatter path] Is now an array processor.

  • [Scatter] Add interpolation for decimal seed.

  • [Scatter] Add path spacing modes: between and around.

  • [Scatter] Add radial position shift.

  • [SDF] Add keep alpha and invert properties.

  • [Separate Shape] Add greyscale, alpha mode selector.

  • [Shadow] Add light positioning mode.

  • [Shape Polygon] Add explode property for circle shape.

  • [Shape Polygon] Add piece rotation/scale, and vertex color properties.

  • [Shape] Add arc end cap option.

  • [Shape] Add Gear shape.

  • [Shape] New squircle shape.

  • [Shift Array, Array Range] Is now an array processor.

  • [Smear] Add additive blend mode.

  • [Smear] Add invert mode.

  • [Smooth path] Add path preview in node preview.

  • [Square, Tri, Pen, Hex Grid] Add option to use texture dimension.

  • [Strip] Add seed property.

  • [Surface Extrude] Add back side, and height level properties.

  • [SVG In] Add a warning dialog when importing SVG 2.0 features.

  • [SVG In] Add support for viewbox percentage unit.

  • [SVG In] Improve support for cubic bezier path.

  • [Transform 3D] Add perspective camera.

  • [Transform 3D] Add tiling properties.

  • [Vignette] Add lighten mode.

  • [Warp] Add tiling mode.

  • [Wiggler] Add value clipping properties.


  • [2D Light] Fix point light precision change randomly.
  • [3D Obj] Fix error when loading object with repeated material.
  • [3D Obj] Fix loaded solid missing alpha value.
  • [3D object] Fix scale gizmo error on the rotated object.
  • [3D Object] Fix weird behavior on other nodes when created.
  • [3D Path] Fix error on creation.
  • [3D Repeat] Fix the error when connecting with an empty object.
  • [3D] Fix error when changing unit to quaternion.
  • [Add node] Fix crash when switching to list view.
  • [Add node] Fix the tooltip interactable outside the panel.
  • [Animation Panel] Fix overlapping graph when separating value.
  • [Animation Panel] Fix the error when CTRL+click on a keyframe.
  • [Animation Panel] Fix unexpected zooming, and panning behavior at lower zoom level.
  • [Array Processor] Fix array balancing modify the output value.
  • [Array Processor] Reduce memory usage for larger arrays.
  • [Array Sort Inline] Fix error on processing.
  • [Array] Fix error when duplicating node.
  • [Array] Fix node resetting its dimension when playing.
  • [Ase File In] Fix alpha blending error.
  • [Bake Path] Fix baking looped path does not loop properly.
  • [Bake Path] Fix error when setting segment length to higher than 1.
  • [Bend] Fix interpolation settings not working.
  • [Blend] Fix warning popup when input is empty in tile mode.
  • [Blur] Fix the error when the node has no inputs.
  • [ButtonGroup] Fix error when the input value is outside the possible range.
  • [Camera] Fix crash on loading, duplicating node.
  • [Canvas Group] Fix deleting layer not working.
  • [Canvas] Fix apply node not working.
  • [Canvas] Fix error when holding Ctrl + Shift while creating 0 width line.
  • [Canvas] Fix error when inspecting node.
  • [Canvas] Fix errors with right-side tools.
  • [Canvas] Fix flood fill, magic selector combine black and fully transparent pixels.
  • [Canvas] Fix paste selection bug.
  • [Canvas] Fix surface dimension reset to default when copying from other nodes.
  • [Canvas] Fix the draw layer, mirror buttons behave weirdly.
  • [Cell noise] Fix the black patch in cell mode.
  • [Code editor] Fix autocomplete showing up from an empty prompt.
  • [Collection Panel] Fix loading project from the project tab does not recognize steam status.
  • [Composite] Fix (potential) error when deleting a layer.
  • [Composite] Fix error when previewing node with feedback value.
  • [Curve, HSV Curve] Fix result error.
  • [Curve] Fix crash on creation.
  • [De-stray] Fix the node ignores transparent pixel.
  • [Draw Shape] Fix alpha multiplied.
  • [Draw Text] Fix font sharing AA property.
  • [Equation] Fix error on inspect.
  • [Equation] Fix junction name not update to argument name.
  • [Export Graph] Fix “solid background” not completely opaque.
  • [Export Graph] Fix general crash.
  • [Export node] Fix preview not showing in the graph.
  • [Frame] Fix renaming by double-clicking not setting the textbox to the current name.
  • [Gradient] Fix freezes when the panel is too small.
  • [Graph Export] Very large surfaces will now be cropped instead of error.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix connection corner misbehaving in elbow mode.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix connection error when creating a new node by dragging the junction to an empty space.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix crashes when deleting multiple nodes at once.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix creating a new node connected to or from the inline junction interface puts the node inside the group.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix Ctrl to drag block other ctrl+ hotkeys from activating.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix curve data not connectable.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix error when hotkey node creation got canceled.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix file dropping not working consistently.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix inspector action connection lines not rendering.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix invisible outputs that are showing up in zoomed-out mode.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix junction color not updated frequently enough.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix junction not updating its initial position when a node is created while playing.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix junction rendering in 1x zoom level.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix node created from hotkey got reset to default.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix node name label height not scale with UI scale.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix node name overflow.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix overlapping “show avatar” label in spacious view mode.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix parameter view not drawing correctly.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix preview scale error when zooming out very far.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix some junctions that still show up after hiding.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix the error when dropping a project file to the panel.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix the error when right-clicking on an input junction.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix the inverted vertical align button.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix to center not working correctly with inline groups.
  • [Graph Panel] Fix view control stay behind nodes.
  • [Graph Panel] Loopback connection is now un-hoverable.
  • [Graph, Inspector] Fix node not update junction while playing.
  • [Graph, Preview Panel] Fix single modifier hotkey not triggering (use to activate ctrl, alt-click for pan/zoom)
  • [Grid] Fix uneven gap size on non uniform grid size.
  • [Group Input] Fix display type not working.
  • [Group Input] Fix resetting value does not recognize value data type.
  • [Group IO Order] Fix crash on creation.
  • [Group] Fix crashes when double-clicking on a node without outputs.
  • [Group] Fix deleting output not disconnect other nodes and create a floating connection.
  • [Group] Fix error when connecting to dummy input.
  • [Group] Fix freezes when clicking the go to button while hovering on a junction.
  • [Group] Fix incorrect junction type on newer datatypes.
  • [Group] Fix inspector action always shows up even when there’s no action.
  • [Group] Fix inspector action not working.
  • [Group] Fix node height not updating after duplicated.
  • [Group] Fix output junction order changing between sessions.
  • [HLSL] Fix color value does not work.
  • [HLSL] Fix crashes when switching from array datatype to color.
  • [HLSL] Fix loading preset not compiling the script.
  • [Image Array Editor] Fix adding image not working.
  • [Inline Group] Fix an error when deleting the last node in the group.
  • [Inspector Panel] Fix error when modifying io using the custom inspector.
  • [Inspector Panel] Fix error when pop-up text box widget.
  • [Inspector Panel] Fix metadata not editable.
  • [Inspector Panel] Fix pasting not working with some values.
  • [Inspector Panel] Fix the “use global dimension” icon not updating.
  • [Inspector Panel] Fix the error when displaying array data on the textbox.
  • [Inspector Panel] Fix the error when opening the color selector with an array of colors.
  • [Inspector Panel] Fix the error when removing a keyframe through the property widget.
  • [Inspector Panel] Fix the error when showing an empty nested array.
  • [Interlace] Fix output error on the second frame.
  • [Interlace] Fix unnecessary cache clear.
  • [IsoSurf] Fix angle jump when clicking.
  • [JSON Parse] Fix error when parsing invalid JSON string.
  • [L-system] Fix UI overlapping.
  • [Level] Fix alpha multiplication.
  • [Lua compute/surface] Fix error on load.
  • [Map Path] Fix freeze when subdivision value is less than 1.
  • [Menu Panel] Fix menu thumbnail stick when hovering on other menu buttons after recent files.
  • [MenuBox] Fix crashes when clicking on the already open submenu.
  • [Menubox] Fix nested box register click on the parent instead of the child.
  • [Mesh Warp] Fix general error.
  • [Node] Fix editing value not register undo point.
  • [Node] Fix error when separating axis.
  • [Node] Fix height display error in parameter view.
  • [Nodes] Fix junction merging not working with dynamic input nodes.
  • [Normalize] Fix incorrect output.
  • [Number] Fix node size not updated correctly.
  • [Pack Sprite] Fix error when packing array containing invalid surfaces.
  • [Palette Shift] Fix shift range fix at -1 - 1.
  • [Particle] Add array warning to inputs.
  • [Particle] Fix error when connecting empty array as input.
  • [Particle] Fix gradient evaluation error when after load.
  • [Particle] Fix gradient loaded with no alpha value.
  • [Particle] Fix line rendering with path follow not rendering correctly.
  • [Particle] Fix rendering problem when modifying value while playing.
  • [Particle] Fix the particle with Rotate by direction reset the angle to 0 when not moving.
  • [Particle] Fix uniform mode spawn particle outside the area.
  • [Path Extrude] Fix end cap only apply to one side.
  • [Path Extrude] Fix mesh generation error in some cases.
  • [Path From Mask] Fix error when using path data.
  • [Path] Fix general errors.
  • [Path] Fix NaN error with 0 distance line.
  • [Path] Fix preview image for small path.
  • [PCX] Fix string evaluation bug when a string contains operators.
  • [Pin] Fix junction type not being updated instantaneously when connected.
  • [Pixel Cloud] Fix node output empty surface.
  • [Pixel Sample] Fix glitch when inputting surfaces array of different sizes.
  • [Preference] Fix spacing error when searching hotkey.
  • [Preset] Fix gradient data not loading.
  • [Preview Panel] Fix 3D preview depth error.
  • [Preview Panel] Fix ambient occlusion and stick on the view after viewing the scene with SSAO on.
  • [Preview Panel] Fix background turn white when the zoom scale is less than 0.1.
  • [Preview Panel] Fix black screen when previewing an empty SDF shape.
  • [Preview Panel] Fix channel selector shows up incorrectly in sdf mode.
  • [Preview Panel] Fix error with padding area type.
  • [Preview Panel] Fix overlay gizmo error when having multiple instances of the panels.
  • [Preview Panel] Fix rendering glitch when setting UI scale lower than 1.
  • [Preview Panel] Fix the error with “Save all current previews as…”
  • [Preview Panel] Fix view range does not apply to SDF shape.
  • [Preview Window] Fix crashes when previewing node with no output junction.
  • [Region Fill] Fix the error when inputting a palette larger than 64.
  • [Render Spritesheet] Fix the custom range limit set at 1.
  • [Repeat] Fix repeat rotation wrap around too fast.
  • [Replace Color] Fix auto refresh not working.
  • [RM Combine] Fix weird array output bug.
  • [RM Primitive] Fix Background and Draw BG not working.
  • [RM Primitive] Fix reflective value not apply to the combined object.
  • [RM Primitive] Fix scale property scale from world scope instead of local scope.
  • [RM Primitive] Fix texture not fix to object position.
  • [RM Primitive] Fix the environment background not rotating with the camera.
  • [Rm Render, Combine] Fix output error.
  • [Scatter] Fix maximum blend mode not return the maximum color.
  • [ScrollBox] Fix the widget show the sprite index as text instead of drawing it.
  • [Separate File Path] Fix the error on creation.
  • [Shape] Fix empty output for negative width or height.
  • [Slider Range] Fix the slider stuck at 1 when dragging.
  • [Smooth Path] Fix error on selection.
  • [Smooth Path] Fix error when removing anchor point.
  • [Smooth Path] Fix the first anchor not smoothing properly in loop mode.
  • [Splash] Fix Kenney Credits.
  • [Splice Sprite sheet] Fix output alpha multiplied.
  • [Strand Create] Fix error when loading baked strands.
  • [Struct] Fix crashes when creating a new key.
  • [Surface Extrude] Fix the error when enabling double-side mode with no height map.
  • [SVG In] Fix node not read SVG file with extra tags.
  • [SVG] Fix an error when loading svg file.
  • [SVG] Fix error when reading multiline tags.
  • [SVG] Fix fill color not propagate to children.
  • [Theme] Fix crashes when loading custom themes.
  • [Threshold] Fix threshold inclusive range (which causes black pixel to stay black.)
  • [Transform] Fix error when animating position.
  • [Tri, Hex grid] Fix aspect ratio error in texture sample mode.
  • [Tunnel out] Fix junction color not updated properly.
  • [Tunnel] Fix tunnel data shared between projects.
  • [UI] Fix the error when closing a panel with a nested sibling.
  • [Undo] Fix crashes when undoing keyframes modification.
  • [Undo] Fix undo not registering animation toggle.
  • [Vector Split] Fix node modify input array to have at least 4 members.
  • [Vector Split] Fix surface value not being converted into dimension.
  • [VFX] Fix error on create.
  • [Warp] Fix the error when updating the node with no surface input.
  • [WAV File in] Fix file reading error.
  • [Websocket Receiver] Fix error with port setup.
  • Add a short delay in file watcher to prevent overlapped reads.
  • Add value validator for some nodes to prevent error from zero, negative values.
  • Array processors now use maximum depth to determine array data. (will be slower but will allow inconsistent arrays like [16, [16, 16]] to work.)
  • Feedback line now always drawn with y shift.
  • Fix active property not working.
  • Fix an error popup on some nodes when no input surface is provided.
  • Fix an error when toggling gradient map.
  • Fix an error when using feedback or loop with dynamic input nodes.
  • Fix array processor trim array to input default length.
  • Fix bug when editing area in two-point mode.
  • Fix crash when canceling open file dialog.
  • Fix crash when grouping inline groups.
  • Fix crash when trying to load an already opened project while opening multiple projects.
  • Fix crash when undoing connection with dummy junction.
  • Fix crashes when starting the software without a log folder.
  • Fix default preset overriding some value with manually created node.
  • Fix dialog not closing when trying to click outside with a pen tablet.
  • Fix disabling auto update still makes the node update in some cases.
  • Fix error when linking dimension value.
  • Fix error when loading invalid font.
  • Fix error when loading the same project in one session.
  • Fix error when using surface from asset folders.
  • Fix error when using workspace without an inspector panel.
  • Fix gradient alpha not loading.
  • Fix hotkey not asve/load.
  • Fix node deletion not merge all connections.
  • Fix shader uniform submission error in several nodes.
  • Fix the default color has no alpha value (which causes the brush to not show up in the canvas node)
  • Fix the error when toggling the gradient map.
  • Fix the palette mixer being called “Palette” in the menu.
  • Fix the randomize button doesn’t refresh seed (which causes repeated results with some nodes.)
  • Fix theme color overriding not being loaded.
  • Fix toggling mappable parameters can cause some values to not reset properly.
  • Increase curve anchor limits.


[Stable] PixelComposer 1.18 itch.zip 110 MB
19 hours ago

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